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Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming: A step-

date: 1 августа 2009 / author: izograv / категория: Programming / views: 2445 / comments: 0

Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming: A step-by-step to Google Web Toolkit for creating Ajax applications fast by Prabhakar Chaganti

A practicum is a course designed to give students practice in a previously studied field, and that's what this book is: if you are a developer who understands Java and at least something about web development, this practical guide will immediately get you up to speed on working, practical uses of GWT. This is not about the internals of GWT, but about how to use it, and, if you haven't heard, Google Web Toolkit lets Java developers create Ajaxified web applications without becoming Javascript experts. One of the nicest things about this book is that the clear and logical explanations are accompanied by runnable examples that actually compile and work as is! Amazing! This may not be your last book on Ajax and GWT, but it probably should be your first since it puts you immediately on your feet with a clear, firm grasp both of what this new technology is all about as well as how to use it today.


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